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Olivier Schweitzer

Computer engineer in web technologies

Dynamic and motivated, I am always curious and interested in learning new knowledge. Demonstrating both autonomy and team spirit, I can easily adapt to companies issues and goals.



  • AngularJS/Angular (NgRx)
  • Brokers (RabbitMQ, Apache Kafka)
  • CSS (Bulma, Bootstrap, SASS)
  • Cmake
  • Continuous Integration (Gitlab CI)
  • DICOM (Odil, DCMTK)
  • Database (PostgreSQL, Redis, CouchDB)
  • Docker (Docker Compose, Docker Swarm)
  • Emscripten
  • HL7
  • HTML
  • JavaScript
  • Kue
  • NodeJS (NestJS, ExpressJS, TypeORM)
  • PassportJS, LDAP
  • Python (CherryPy, Flask, invoke)
  • React (GatsbyJS)
  • RxJS
  • TypeScript
  • Video streaming (MPEG-DASH, CMAF, ffmpeg, RTP)
  • WebGL
  • jQuery


  • Creative force
  • English (BULATS level C1)
  • French (mother tongue)
  • German (Goethe Institut level B1)


  • Agile software development (SCRUM, Kanban)
  • Independent work
  • Organizational skills
  • Project management

Work experience

October 12, 2020 - Today

Full Stack JavaScript developer - SFEIR
SFEIR is a neo-ESN regrouping 600 developers specialized in web applications and cloud computing. SFEIR has agencies in Paris, Strasbourg, Nantes, Bordeaux, Lille and Luxembourg.
  • Development of a web application to manage your budget called BGV (Budget Grande Vitesse) for CRESUS (an association helping persons in debt). Users can signup and aggregate their banking accounts to help them classify and create their budgets. This application is developed in Angular and deployed on Google Cloud Platform.
AngularJS/Angular (NgRx)HTMLRxJS
TypeScriptCSS (Bulma, Bootstrap, SASS)Continuous Integration (Gitlab CI)

March 1, 2017 - August 31, 2020

CONDOR Project - IHU Strasbourg/IRCAD
The aim of the CONDOR project is to develop new computer technology systems to significantly help surgical teams avoid human errors in the operating room. The project includes collaborations with academic institutions and leading industrial companies, and proposes a range of major technical innovations. These include the first open DICOM standard for surgical video storage and transmission, low-latency video data transmission, the creation of surgical ontologies, pre-operative and real-time intra-operative medical data visualization, Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems for surgical video analysis, and software tools to permit training these AI systems. CONDOR is also inspired by the aviation industry, where we imagine creating a "control tower" and a "black box" that will respectively monitor and record everything that happens inside an operating room and during a surgical procedure, including surgical complications.
  • Development of a microservices architecture system based on web technologies to record and supervize data from operating rooms.
  • Project coordination (project & team management, demonstrations, presentations, article writing).
Agile software development (SCRUM, Kanban)Project managementOrganizational skillsNodeJS (NestJS, ExpressJS, TypeORM)Continuous Integration (Gitlab CI)Brokers (RabbitMQ, Apache Kafka)Database (PostgreSQL, Redis, CouchDB)HL7DICOM (Odil, DCMTK)
AngularJS/Angular (NgRx)RxJSDocker (Docker Compose, Docker Swarm)Python (CherryPy, Flask, invoke)HTMLTypeScriptCSS (Bulma, Bootstrap, SASS)JavaScriptVideo streaming (MPEG-DASH, CMAF, ffmpeg, RTP)

November 1, 2016 - February 15, 2017

Junior consultant - Altran
Altran is a global leader in Engineering and R&D services. I worked as junior consultant for the IRCAD IT team and for the Altran R&D service.
  • Using AngularJS framework, the goal was to create a web application that allow the IT team to easily create LDAP, entry pass access and NetApp configuration or new users. I also add to develop the web API to communicate with the LDAP server using Python.
  • Development of an PaaS (Platform as a Service) application to compute scientific algorithm on medical images. The goal of this project was to develop a PaaS application that allow users to send their algorithm files and their medical images through a web interface. These data will then be computed (in Docker containers) and the results will be displayed on the interface.
Creative forceIndependent workOrganizational skillsNodeJS (NestJS, ExpressJS, TypeORM)AngularJS/Angular (NgRx)
Python (CherryPy, Flask, invoke)CSS (Bulma, Bootstrap, SASS)HTMLJavaScriptPassportJS, LDAP

February 1, 2016 - July 15, 2016

Internship: Final projet assignement - IRCAD
The goal of this assignement was to use the FW4SPL framework (renamed SIGHT) for the web. To do that I used Emscripten , a compilation toolchain allowing to compile C++/C into JavaScript. I managed to compile a client side medical images anonymization tool using the DCMTK library compiled in JavaScript.
  • Use the Emscripten toolkit to compile FW4SPL dependencies (DCMTK, VTK, ITK, Boost...).
  • Use the Emscripten toolkit to compile FW4SPL libraries.
  • Compile a DICOM anonymization application into JavaScript (using Emscripten) for client side anonymization.
  • Project presentation and report writing.
Creative forceIndependent workOrganizational skillsAgile software development (SCRUM, Kanban)
DICOM (Odil, DCMTK)JavaScriptEmscriptenCmake

September 1, 2014 - February 13, 2015

Internship: Engineer assistant - IRCAD
The goal of this assignement was to develop a web viewing tool for medical data. This tool allows to display DICOM images (medical images) and 3D models of organs and to inteact with them.
  • Conduct a state of the art of WebGL frameworks.
  • Develoment of a web viewer for DICOM images and organs 3D models.
  • Project presentation and report writing.
Creative forceIndependent workOrganizational skillsAgile software development (SCRUM, Kanban)HTML
CSS (Bulma, Bootstrap, SASS)JavaScriptDICOM (Odil, DCMTK)jQueryWebGL

Personal projects


September 2, 2013 - September 2, 2016

Engineer in computer sciences - UTBM (Université de Technologie de Belfort-Montbéliard)
  • Signal processing and analysis
  • Founding principles of algebra and analysis
  • Mathematics for the image
  • Numerical analysis and splines
  • Financial management and investment
  • Cost management
  • Engineers and technicians during history
  • Virtual Life Simulation
  • Java Enterprise Applications Architectures and Development Frameworks
  • Computer graphics
  • Software engineering
  • Local area networks
  • Multimedia and web development
  • Object-Oriented Programming
  • Operating system

August 31, 2015 - January 4, 2016

Microprogram in computer sciences - Université de Sherbrooke (Canada)
  • Visual interactions (markers, gesture recognition, eye tracking, face detection, camera-projector system, gestures recognition project using Kinect)
  • Audio processing (filtering, Fourier transform, Z-transform...)
  • Media acquisition (sound, light, perception, digital signals, image formation....)
  • User interfaces and multimedia (Gestalt theory, MVC pattern, ergonomy...)
  • Introduction to Macroeconomics

September 3, 2012 - July 5, 2013

Bachelor in computer science (not awarded) - UFR Mathématique et Informatique (Strasbourg)

    September 6, 2010 - July 13, 2012

    2 years technical degree in computer sciences - University Institute of Technology Robert Schuman (Strasbourg)

      © 2019 Olivier Schweitzer